(AB and BC Only) Auto-Fill Program in the Medication Review App

The Auto-Fill program can be managed at the patient and prescription levels in the Medication Review App. A new field, Auto-Fill, has been added to the Patient tab for all medication review types, except for Follow-Ups. This field displays the following Auto-Fill enrollment statuses:

  • Patient Enrolled - Displayed when a patient’s status is enrolled in the Auto-Fill program
  • Patient Not Enrolled - Displayed when a patient’s status is neither declined nor enrolled in the Auto-Fill program
  • Patient Declined - Displayed when a patient’s status is declined in the Auto-Fill program

Enrolling Patients in the Auto-Fill Program

  1. Make sure the Auto-Fill feature in More > Pharmacy > Adherence is enabled in PharmaClik Rx.

Note: If this feature is not turned on, the Auto-Fill field will NOT be displayed in the Patient tab.

  1. In the Medication Review App, select the Patient tab.
  2. Select the EDIT button. The ‘Patient Information’ window appears.
  3. From the Auto-Fill Enrollment: dropdown list, select Enrolled.

Note: This field is displayed when the Employee ID # required for Enrollment checkbox is selected in More > Pharmacy > Adherence in PharmaClik Rx.

  1. Select the SAVE button. The Auto-Fill field status will be updated to Patient Enrolled and an Auto-Fill checkbox will be displayed for each prescription in the Medication Record tab in the Rx Number Last Filled column.

Declining the Auto-Fill program for a Patient

If a patient does not want to enroll in the Auto-Fill program, it Is important to let others know by updating the Auto-Fill status.

  1. From the Auto-Fill Enrollment dropdown list in the Patient Information window, select the Declined option.
  2. From the Decline Reason dropdown list, select a reason for declining.
  3. Enter the Employee ID#.

Note: This field is displayed when the Employee ID # required for Enrollment checkbox is selected in More > Pharmacy > Reminders in PharmaClik Rx.

  1. Select the SAVE button. The Auto-Fill field status will be updated to and the Auto-Fill check boxes in the Medication Record tab will NOT be displayed.

Enrolling Prescriptions for the Auto-Fill Program

When a patient’s Auto-Fill field status is set to Enrolled, an Auto-Fill check box will be displayed in the Medication Record tab for each prescription. Selecting this check box enrolls the prescription in the Auto-Fill program.

Note: The Auto-Fill checkbox is not displayed for DURs.

  1. Select the Medication Record tab.
  2. Make sure the Medication Record tab is being viewed in the Detailed Mode. At the top, the Condense button will be displayed.

  1. Select the Auto-Fill checbox for the desired prescription. The selected prescription will be displayed in the Workbench → Prescriptions → To Do tab and also in the Patient → Profile tab with a Workbench status when it is due for the reminder.